Hello everyone, Recap of VHS version: ''Hello everyone, Roku was just founded at that time. I managed to get an copy of ROKU, and successfully modded it. However, it detected the modding, and tried locking me out. I am very glad that it didn't call emergency services on me, unlike the modern devices. It didn't had any kind of custom soundtrack, only corruption sounds. What a shame, roku. P.S. I am now using an VPN and a custom phone line. Nothing could track me now! Suggestions? Comment down below. This is an work of fiction and.. may not be real.' Enabled screen capturing on Roku. -TheGreatUnknown Productions. *COPYRIGHT If you want to use my videos, you must clearly state my channel name in the video (YouTube Video Reactors only have to do that), description, and comments. I will take your video down if you do not follow by the rules.